Early bird registration closed!
Well Lotus we met our target membership goal for our early bird registration, and are now officially full! We welcome some new riders into the mix and can’t wait to get training/riding after our April 18th launch party! Details coming soon. This also means that the kit orders are in, and will take 4 weeks so the plan is to distribute this at the launch party.
Other club news is that you may have noticed all of you have been added to our newest Lotus google groups – lotuscyclingclub@googlegroups.com This is a forum that allows all our members to start a Lotus discussion about cycling. A few respectful guidelines when using the forum is please be mindful that you are reaching out to ALL our members…so try not to inundate inboxes, or reply all if it’s not required for the discussion. It’s also not to be used for commercial purposes. Some of you have already been testing it out, so if you haven’t received anything from lotus google groups, please let me know at contact@lotuscyclingclub.com